Friday, April 3, 2009

Enter the Buffyverse...

So, I have the first half of the Buffyverse yarns ready to go.  These are inspired by the Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Angel TV series.  I'm not yet through the follow up graphic novels...
All the colorways are partly inspired by appearance and partly by character/personality.

Now, the big question on everyone's mind is How can I get these yarns!?!  I've thought long and hard about it and there will be two ways to get the yarns.  You can order what you like, when you want it and in whichever base yarn you like.  Or, for those who Must Have Them All!!! I will run a club-esque subscription over the course of one year, two colorways per month via the Paypal Subscription service.  I say "club-esque" because the colorways will not be a surprise and I think that's a fundamental part of clubs.

Here are the pics!

First up we have the Scoobies: from left to right, Buffy, Xander, Willow, Anya, Giles and Spike is not shown in the group pic

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left to right: Buffy, Xander, Willow, Anya, Giles (Spike not shown in the group pic)

Buffy: pale blues and lavenders with the chestnutty wooden spike. 
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Willow: auburn, gothy burgundy and sweet rose 
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Xander: denim blue, chinos tan and underestimated grays 
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Giles: brown suits, yellowed ancient text pages, and the grays of his temples. Shown in the recommended tweedy base yarn 
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Anya: a sweet pink heart, vibrant red hair and a love for all things money 
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Spike: all black leather, platinum hair and a bit of a thirst for blood. 
 spike wound

spike loose

And up next is Team Angel! From left to right–Angel, Lorne, Cordelia, Wesley, Fred and Gunn 
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Angel: dark brooding black, melancholy grayed violet and silver. Shown in one of the recommended yarns–with silver strands to glitter like his soul. (also well represented with the shine of merino/tencel and shimmer of merino/bamboo)

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Cordelia: lovely chestnut brown hair, hot red dresses and fiesty spirit. 
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Wesley: a brown bomber jacket, golden intentions and grayed torment. Shown over recommended stodgy Watcher’s Council tweedy base 
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Fred: Warm brown hair, a sweet rosy personality and the white of her lab coat and whiteboards. 
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Gunn: Gorgeous dark complexion, serious in a gray suit (business or track), and focused, reliable navy 
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And the fabulous Lorne! All bright and dark shades of green with a kickin’ hot red-orange suit. 
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Coming up soon will be the Destinations of the Buffyverse and Biggest Baddest mini-series(s).

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dyeing Playtime

I'm super excited to be going with my friend Melissa to the Chancellor's Sheep and Wool Showcase on April 26th in the Hudson Valley (just north of Rhinebeck :)

I'm dyeing every day in preparation for this show--so I'll have braids upon braids of lush squishable fiber for spinning, felting and knitting.

Here's a look into my super-secret lab:

and, some of the fruits of my labor here:

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dye Day

Just a few pics to share dyeing the latest *sniff* UK Potter's Covers colorway--color edited to prevent unwanted spoilers.

While the kid was out playing,

I was in dyeing...

but these stunning skeins came out of it.  Should be shipping by the end of the week.